
Invasive crayfish pose a substantial threat to aquatic habitats in the Great Lakes region because of their ability to reduce habitat quality, dramatically alter aquatic food webs, and outcompete native species. Currently, efforts to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive crayfish consist largely of reducing the size of existing populations and encouraging people to refrain from releasing crayfish into new bodies of water. The Invasive Crayfish Collaborative (ICC) focuses on improving upon our collective management and outreach capabilities by disseminating novel crayfish research, encouraging collaboration between members, and conducting research and outreach projects with collaborators. 


The ICC has a broad membership base that includes over 130 representatives of Great Lakes local, state, and federal natural resource agencies, universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private businesses. These experts and stakeholders are working towards the region's collective ability to manage and control invasive crayfish. New members are always welcome. Join Us!


Uniquely positioned at the intersection of research and outreach, the ICC is dedicated to fostering collaboration, building a diverse network, and engaging in science-driven research and outreach to prevent the spread of invasive crayfish in the Great Lakes region. The ICC provides value to its members and partners through network building, project development, outreach and education, program sustainability, responsive collaboration, and continuous information exchange.


Below are some of the ICC activities planned by IISG and funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Please note that these activities may change based on the evolving needs of our members.

  • A website that acts as a one-stop-shop for invasive crayfish information.
  • Meetings to advance identified goals.
  • An electronic mailing list that facilitates communication among ICC members.
  • Webinars that address information needs and knowledge gaps of the ICC membership.
  • An experiential learning workshop for teachers on invasive crayfish.
  • Identification of crayfish species most likely to negatively impact the Great Lakes Region based on ND STAIR crayfish risk assessment results , occurrence in trade, and climate models.
  • Identification of ICC member research needs.
  • Identification of ICC member outreach needs.
  • A framework for creating invasive crayfish best management practices.
  • An outreach tool for buyers and sellers of invasive crayfish.